Enhance Customer Experiences
NFC & QR code scan
More products’ information can be shared
- By tagging any NFC phones or tablets to the LG Innotek ESL tags, customers can have in depth information of the products being sold. This is also to enhance the customers’ satisfaction by using latest high tech gadgets such as NFC.
The retailers would have instant feedback information from the customers.
- By tagging any NFC phones to the LG Innotek ESL tags, retailers would have instant feedback on the products or services feedbacks. This would enable retailers to have a better statistical information about the products and services being offered.
Promotions schedule can be shared with customers
- By tagging any products or merchandised items, customers would be able to understand the schedule for the forth coming promotions. This would enable customers to have more potential to purchase more items from the retailers.
Treasure Hunt Games on Daily/ Weekly/ Monthly, to attract the returning of customer.
- Retailers can perform marketing events such as treasure hunt games periodically in order to attract customers to buy at any low seasons. These also would maintain or enhance the corporate image of the retailers of making such marketing activities. And with such marketing campaign, this would make more publicity to the public.
To promote low moving items or hot moving items
- Low moving products shall have better chances to be sold while points or treasure hunts NFC scans can be dedicated to such products. Customers are to be encourage to scan as many items and also giving clues to scan items where is far to high or far to low as the location of stocks.
Up-to-date marketing activities
- Many stickers and papers information published are having high possibilities of distributing out dated information – information distributed may not be latest. If there are many branches for the retails chains, information are not guaranteed to be delivered correctly from the headquarters. By using NFC, latest information are guaranteed to be given to customers. This would reduce customer service assistance for backend checking work loads.
More marketing activities can be done, such as to get “like” or “follow” on social media page, to collect points and etc.
- Social media is the next power or current strength of advertisement, all NFC tags can be linked to social media such as facebook to published their comments from the customers. With such information, the retailers would be able to collect instant customer feedback information directly.